The Bengal Tiger-The Bengal Tiger is a nocturnal animal. They eat animals ( frogs, birds, deer) that eat plants so it balances the food web. Tigers have soft pads on the bottom of their feet which helps creep around on the ground.
Chimpanzees- Chimps mostly live on and eat on the ground. They don't stay in one place for very long which allows vegetation to regrow before the chimps come back. These animals eat bugs and fruits.
Linn's Sloth- Sloths can camouflage with in the forest. They have algae in the grooves of their which gives them nutrients. Because of the pouched stomach's, it helps the sloth digest leaves.

Forest Elephant- Although most people confuse the forest elephant with the savanna elephant, there are several differences. The forest elephants have straight tusks-- curved tusks get stuck in branches. They are small so they can move around the thick forest more easily.

Forest Elephant- Although most people confuse the forest elephant with the savanna elephant, there are several differences. The forest elephants have straight tusks-- curved tusks get stuck in branches. They are small so they can move around the thick forest more easily.